
Jon's Complete Warrior Fitness Library Super Sale!

For the first time ever you can access all 31 of my best selling courses (over a decade's worth of training information!) for a small fraction of the normal price

AND get EVERY New, Yet to Be Released Program for


Discover How You Too Can Use Secret Training Methods from Old School Martial Art Practices and Cutting-Edge Sports Science to Build High Levels of Powerful, Whole-Body Strength, Injury-Resistant Joints & Tendons of Elastic Steel, and Fire Up Your Internal Energy in Less Time Than You Ever Thought Possible!

What is the Warrior Fitness Training System All About?

The Warrior Fitness Training System takes old school training secrets of master martial artists and reverse-engineers them to provide a holistic system of building all around functional strength, resistance to injury, improved mobility and energy reserves for anyone regardless of background or experience level.

Strength is not only about unleashing our innate physical supremacy but comprised of mental fortitude and spiritual power as well.  The aim of this trifold path of strength is to forge the strongest version of yourself on all 3 levels of human ability – physical, mental, and spiritual.

The Path to Strength in Warrior Fitness utilizes tools such as Russian kettlebells, Indian Clubs, odd objects, and a considerable variety of unique bodyweight exercises to generate strength throughout the entire body in all ranges of motion.  Physical strength is not confined to merely muscle alone, but focuses on training the tendons, ligaments, and fascia as well.  This provides a much more stable and connected body.

Health is not merely the absence of disease, but the allowing of the human body to operate at full capacity all of the time.  Rejuvenation increases the resilience of the body through restoration and compensation for the work of Strength.

The Path to Health inside Warrior Fitness is comprised of joint mobility work to keep the body well lubricated and injury free, yoga asana to systematically increase flexibility and act as compensatory movement, breathing and vibration training to flush the system with oxygen, remove residual tension, and energize the body.

The Path to Internal Power - Internal Power Training is a way of conditioning the body through specific solo, power-building exercises. These training method span thousands of years and have been handed down through the ages -- mostly in secret -- within the warrior traditions of India, China, and Japan.  Internal Power is a body technology with a set method and detailed process of instruction that simply cannot be learned by osmosis. It must be explicitly taught.


Introducing the Complete Library of Warrior Fitness Programs...

Shadow Strength Program 

Shadow Strength utilizes a proprietary set of exercises drawn from traditional martial arts and trained in a unique combination to skyrocket your internal strength, power, and resistance to injury.

Using breath, posture, and martial mobility, Shadow Strength breaks down the barriers to superhuman strength and an unbreakable body. ($79 value)

The Warrior Resistance Program

Learn how to use resistance bands and your own bodyweight in some pretty unique and interesting ways to build serious functional strength, martial power, and a stronger structure.

 ($29 value)

Weapons and Internal Power

Inside this issue, I reveal all the secrets of exactly HOW to move from center and, even more rarely taught – how to connect your developed center to weapons. ($25 value)

The Combative Body 

Inside You will Discover How to Forge a More Powerful, Connected, and Resilient Body for Martial Arts so You Can Quickly Gain Superior Martial Skill and Get Stronger as You Get Older! ($21 value)

The Integrated Strength Program

Ever wonder if you could have it all in your training?  Integrated Strength combines the best of Unconventional Strength training exercises with Internal Power Building training for a unique and comprehensive way of building whole body strength.($97 value)

Waterfall Standing Meditation

New detailed instruction on this ancient standing practice that will change the way you look at standing meditation training forever! ($25 value)

The Qigong Stance of Power

Learn the secret step-by-step method used to build fierce internal strength and martial art power from a little known way to perform push-ups. ($25 value)

Push-Ups for Internal Strength

Learn the secret step-by-step method used to build fierce internal strength and martial art power from a little known way to perform push-ups. ($25 value)

The Power Protocol

Discover How to Use Ancient Internal Power Methods and Cutting-Edge Strength Training to Create UNSTOPPABLE Martial Power in Minimal Time (Under 30 Minutes) No Matter What Rank You Are or How Long You Have Been Studying ($29 value)

Vital Force: The Yin of Strength

This is an easy-to-learn health maintenance program combining dynamic mobility with age-old Qigong energy work, and breathing exercises.

It is specifically designed to increase your body’s vital energy, open up the joints, enhance recovery from exercise, and reduce stress. This program can be used by anyone regardless of age, health, or physical ability.($29 value)

Breathwork of the Masters

For millennia breathing exercises have been the secret weapon of advanced yogis, qigong adepts, master healers, and warrior monks to forge phenomenal strength, superhuman control, and vitality. ($25 value)

Advanced Isometrics for Functional Strength

Learn how to utilize advanced isometric exercises made famous by Shaolin Monks, Oldtime Strongmen, and martial artists like Bruce Lee to strengthen your body and prevent injuries.($25 value)

Stronger Over 40

The exact fitness, nutritional, hormonal, and mindset blueprint that you need in order to get stronger, build more muscle, have more energy, and increase flexibility and mobility after the age of 40. ($27 value)

Sledgehammer Domination

Sledgehammer Domination is the ultimate low-tech, high yield training program for forging elite functional fitness.($19 value)

Ninja Missions Program 1

You will train like the ninja of feudal Japan preparing body, mind, and spirit through rigorous physical training and martial practice.($37 value)

Minimalist Warrior Program

Finally, a stripped down 30-day program with nothing but the bare essentials to get you rapid results. Since this is minimalist, these workouts will take you just 30 minutes or less.  All you need is your own bodyweight.($21 value)

The Martial Power Program

The Martial Power Program is for those traditional martial artists committed to taking their body, mind, and spirit to the next level!  This program is for people who are serious about learning how to functionally integrate high level fitness training into their martial arts practice. ($37 value)

Dad Strength Program

A full 10 week program to go from Dad to Super Dad!  A Three-Phased approach to Recover and Sustain Strength.  Awesome for men in their 40’s, 50’s, 60’s, and beyond!. ($25 value)

Warrior Fitness Guide to Striking Power

Specific Physical Preparedness for ALL striking arts from old school Traditional Martial Arts to modern MMA!

Learn how to build a powerful structure to stabilize punches, kicks, and martial movement!

Discover how to use low-tech, high yield tools to strengthen strikes throughout a range of motion! ($25 value)

Bodyweight Mastery Program

A progressive bodyweight training program takes you through 6 levels of sophistication on 6 foundational movement patterns to allow you to build superior functional strength & forge a powerful body. ($29 value)

Secrets of Samurai Strength

Secrets of Samurai Strength for Building a Connected Body and Supreme Functional Fitness. ($25 value)

Lower Body Training

Training the Lower Body for Stability, Strength, and flexibility. Plus Advanced Standing Practices. ($25 value)

Ninja Secrets of Fitness & Agility Training

Ninja Secrets of Fitness for both Flexible Strength and Agility Training. Plus My Top 3 Kettlebell Exercises for Fat Shredding, Muscle Building Power. ($25 value)

Ninja Nutrition Program

Learn how to eat like a man to burn fat, build whole-body lean muscle, and dramatically increase health and energy!

The optimal diet for men over 40! No counting calories. Put fat-burning and muscle-building on autopilot! Strategically utilize cheat days to still enjoy pizza and beer while burning fat like a champ!

($25 value)

Evolve Your Breathing

Essential Techniques for Optimal Performance!  Learn unique and powerful breathing exercises drawn from martial arts, qigong, and yoga that will teach you how to  Adapt AND Perform Under Stress! ($37 value)

Musashi's "The Body of a Rock"

Learn how to implement Musashi’s “Body of a Rock” strategy in both your strength training and martial art practice to build superhuman strength and incredible all-around martial power. ($25 value)

Warrior WODS - Garage Gym Edition

Master the Secrets of Functional Strength and Internal Energy Reverse-Engineered from Master Martial Artists in 30 Days ($20 value)

WarFit Combat Conditioning

An 8-Week Combat Conditioning Program That Will Forge A Warrior’s Whole-Body Strength, Endurance, and Toughness ($37 value)

Advanced Methods of Internal Strength Masterclass

Learn how to build a martial body using the secret methods of internal strength that are rarely taught (and never in this level of detail!). Build strength, power, and resistance to injury from the inside out using your body-mind along with several different types of equipment to amplify the training effects.  ($99 value)

BALANCE: The Fall Prevention System

This unique balance training program will teach you highly effective drills utilizing resistance bands, handheld weights, and positional specific balance postures, both static and moving to create a more stable structure, strengthen the core and legs, and improve overall motor skills and function.

($47 value)

These 30 powerful programs sell like hotcakes individually every day for a combined price of $1,019...

BUT today you save $872 and get all 30 for Only $147

Who Am I and Why Should You Listen to Me?

My name is Jon Haas. I'm the founder of Warrior Fitness Training Systems, as well as a certified Underground Strength Coach-Level 2, 9th dan Black belt in Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu, and a certified Personal Trainer and FMS.

I have spent over 30 years - a lifetime - training, studying and working with the best in the areas of martial arts and strength and conditioning to figure out how to reverse engineer the ultimate in human performance for martial art, combat sport, and living a powerful, healthy warrior lifestyle. The goal of my teaching has always been to help as many people as possible reveal their full capacity as human beings while living a strong, happy, and pain-free life.

Back in 2008 I wrote the book, Warrior Fitness: Conditioning for Martial Arts. It was a huge hit and helped martial artists across the globe upgrade their health, strength, and performance for martial arts. But I wasn't satisfied with it...

Since then I have been working harder than ever to refine my understanding, improve my system, and clarify my communication to bring you the best possible training programs for building superior strength, flexibility, and whole-body power and pain-free movement for ALL people across all walks of life!

This entire Warrior Fitness Library  is the culmination of all I have learned and developed so far, and on the cutting-edge of how I train myself and my closest personal training students.

Each program contains powerful methods for building an injury-resistant, functionally strong, incredibly powerful body.

I sincerely hope that you choose to join me and reap the benefits of the practices I have laid out inside for years to come!

The secrets of growing stronger, more energetic, and healthier as you get older are inside. I invite you to come share them with me!