How to Effortlessly Improve Your Balance, Posture, and Core Strength so You Never Risk Injury from Falling Down Again, Even if You've Tried and Failed to Improve Balance in the Past...

From the Desk of Jon Haas, Strength Coach, Martial Arts Instructor, and Creator of Warrior Fitness Training Systems:

Dear Friend,

Years ago while working as a personal trainer at a local gym in Cherry Hill, NJ, I was privileged to work with many older adults who, for one reason or another, had several movement challenges. Chiefly among those movement challenges was balance and fall prevention.

In addition to my private senior clients, I also began teaching a class on Qigong (Chinese Energy Work) that was very popular with the gym's older clientele. In this class, in addition to my crowd of senior students were a couple gentlemen who were also dealing with Parkinson's disease and the inherent movement challenges that presents as well.

Over the years, I began reverse-engineering training methods and exercises from my extensive martial arts and strength training background to create a system that would improve balance, strengthen the legs and core, and improve postural alignment for anyone, of any age, who was experiencing issues with their coordination, balance, and risk of falling.

Fast forward to the summer of 2020 when, out of the blue, I get a call from one of my former clients. As soon as we got on the phone and got caught up (remember this was 2020 so all the gyms were closed and no one was leaving their house!) - he said, "I need help. I'm out of shape and my balance is getting worse by the day! What can you do for me?"

I invited him to my house where we trained outside and worked through and refined the balance training system. Since then, I have used the complete system with many of my other older clients with spectacular results!!

I am very proud to present to you, for the first time, the complete system, Balance: The Fall Prevention System!

Training for Your 6th Sense!

One of the most misunderstood concepts in martial arts is the idea of your 6th sense.


But, honestly there's nothing mystical or magical about it at all... (unless you can read minds and stuff, that's super cool!)


In reality, your 6th sense is what's known as Proprioception.


This is our sense of position and movement of the limbs and the sense of muscular tension.  Proprioception utilizes information derived from sensory receptors in our muscles, tendons, and joints to inform us of changes in movement, position, and tension.  Proprioception is plugged directly into our nervous systems making it possibly the fastest and most efficient mechanism for improving our overall movement potential, as long as we train it properly!!


In my new program, BALANCE: The Fall Prevention SystemI show you exactly how to train your proprioception, or your body's 6th sense, to rapidly improve balance, stability, posture, and lower body strength.

Balance is a complete digital video downloadable course that you will get instant access to upon purchase!

Inside the Balance Training Program, You will Learn...

  • How to properly organize your posture without needing a chiropractor or physical therapist so that you can comfortably stand in a highly stable balanced position for as long as you want
  • A centuries old method of standing taken from Internal Chinese Martial Arts that will improve your whole body connection, stability and energy flow so that you are stronger and more resistant to injury and disease
  • The 4 Corner Balance Drill to begin improving your standing balance almost immediately so that you are more confident and stable in your movement
  • My "Ninja Walking" drill that teaches you a simple method of movement to quickly improve your ability to walk without fear of falling - my 70 and 80 year old clients use this exact method to walk on the ice in the winter without fear of falling!
  • Low impact core strengthening exercises that will coordinate and strengthen your midsection, unify your body, and improve your overall stability by connecting the lower body to the upper body
  • How to safely and easily contact the ground should you ever lose your balance (you may never need it, but it's always good to learn!)
  • The most effective way to get up off the floor safely without strain or injury
  • Resistance band exercises to improve your balance, strengthen your structure, and increase your confidence in your body's ability to maintain it's posture
  • Much, much more...

BALANCE: The Fall Prevention Prevention System

This unique balance training program will teach you highly effective drills utilizing resistance bands, handheld weights, and positional specific balance postures, both static and moving to create a more stable structure, strengthen the core and legs, and improve overall motor skills and function.

Regularly $147 Now Only $47

Who Am I and Why Should You Listen to Me?

My name is Jon Haas. I'm the founder of Warrior Fitness Training Systems, as well as a certified Underground Strength Coach-Level 2, 9th dan Black belt in Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu, and a certified Personal Trainer and FMS.

I have spent over 30 years - a lifetime - training, studying and working with the best in the areas of martial arts and strength and conditioning to figure out how to reverse engineer the ultimate in human performance for martial art, combat sport, and living a powerful, healthy warrior lifestyle. The goal of my teaching has always been to help as many people as possible reveal their full capacity as human beings while living a strong, happy, and pain-free life.

Back in 2008 I wrote the book, Warrior Fitness: Conditioning for Martial Arts. It was a huge hit and helped martial artists across the globe upgrade their health, strength, and performance for martial arts. But I wasn't satisfied with it...

Since then I have been working harder than ever to refine my understanding, improve my system, and clarify my communication to bring you the best possible training programs for building superior strength, flexibility, and whole-body power and pain-free movement for ALL people across all walks of life!

This new program is the culmination of all I have learned and developed so far, and on the cutting-edge of how I train myself and my closest personal training students.

I sincerely hope that you choose to purchase it and reap the benefits of the practices I have laid out inside for years to come!

The secrets of growing stronger, more energetic, and healthier as you get older are inside. I invite you to come share them with me!

Please note that Balance is a digital program.  

No physical products will be shipped. Upon purchase, you will be emailed the download links to entire Balance Program allowing you to begin training immediately!

My Ironclad Guarantee

This course, my proprietary masterpiece, surpasses the value of any exorbitant balance training available on the market, commanding thousands from enthusiasts.

And yet, your investment in this invaluable resource?

A mere 99 cents per day, extrapolated over a month. Less than your daily expenditure on coffee, chewing gum, or a bottle of water.

You can seize this remarkable opportunity right now, simply by clicking the button below. Even if I were to price this a full tenfold higher, I would rest easy, secure in the knowledge that I've handed you an unbeatable bargain.

Consider the costly alternatives: hiring a personal training coach, physical therapy, attending a workshop, or investing in some exorbitantly priced training program.

I offer you a full 30-day trial, entirely risk-free. Test-drive Balance: The Fall Prevention Program for a whole month.

If you don't witness tangible results, or if you don't feel my course has elevated your martial power more than anything else ever could, or if you find any reason for dissatisfaction, simply send us an email. You'll be promptly refunded every single penny. This offer is utterly risk-free; there is simply no way for you to lose.

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